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Virtual Try-Ons: A Game-Changing Approach in Consumer Decision Making Process – Dr. Sweta Bhasin

25th May 2024

In a world where beggars have now become choosers with uncountable options, the task of making the right selection can often be perplexing. Offering a solution to this dilemma of decision-making is the technology known as “Virtual Try-Ons” VTO.

Business managers must recognize the ongoing consumer demand for innovative and immersive shopping experiences. Matching to this trend is vital as customers actively seek out novel and engaging ways to interact with products. Consequently, it is imperative for businesses to familiarize themselves with and leverage the latest technologies available in the market. Embracing these advancements is not only advantageous for meeting consumer expectations but also essential for staying competitive in the dynamic retail landscape.

VTO have indeed revolutionized the way people shop and make decisions about various products. VTO provide consumers with a better understanding of how a product will look on them (clothes, makeup, jewellery, accessories) or fit into their living space (furniture, drapes, home decor, appliances) This leads to more informed decisions, reducing the likelihood of disappointment after a purchase.

VTO provide users with a heightened sense of realism and engagement during the online shopping experience. The technology uses Augmented Reality which layers digital objects over the real world using the device’s camera. Customers gain a more comprehensive insight into the product compared to merely scrolling through 2D images on the online store’s product page.

Benefits of VTO

To consumers:

Reduced return rates: Virtual Try Ons (VTO) allow customers to visualize products on themselves before purchasing, reducing the likelihood of making a purchase that they might later regret. This helps in minimizing return rates, which is beneficial for both customers and retailers.

Efficient shopping experience: VTO streamlines the shopping process by enabling customers to virtually try on products without physically being present in a store. This efficiency is particularly valuable in today’s fast-paced world, where consumers seek quick and convenient shopping experiences.

Exploration and creativity: Virtual Try Ons encourage customers to explore different styles and combinations they might not have considered otherwise. This enhances their creativity and allows them to experiment with various looks, fostering a more enjoyable and personalized shopping experience.

Convenience: Customers can try on products from the comfort of their homes, eliminating the need to visit physical stores. This convenience is especially beneficial for those with busy schedules or limited mobility, contributing to a more accessible and inclusive shopping environment.

Personalized recommendations: VTO technologies often integrate with recommendation systems, providing personalized suggestions based on the customer’s virtual try-ons and preferences. This enhances the overall shopping experience by offering tailored product recommendations.

Enhanced Confidence: By allowing customers to virtually try on products, VTO addresses the uncertainty associated with online shopping. When customers see how a product looks on them, they gain confidence in their purchasing decisions, reducing hesitation and increasing the likelihood of completing the sale.

Confident & Transparent Shopping Decisions: Virtual Try Ons empower customers to make more confident and transparent shopping decisions by visualizing how products will look on them. This transparency builds trust between the customer and the retailer, fostering a positive relationship.

Brand loyalty: Offering an innovative and convenient shopping experience through Virtual Try Ons can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Customers are more likely to stick with a brand that consistently provides a positive and cutting-edge experience.

To Sellers:

Reduced return costs: Lower return rates result in reduced operational costs associated with processing returns and restocking items. This cost-saving benefit is significant for retailers, contributing to improved overall profitability.

Competitive edge: Implementing Virtual Try Ons gives businesses a competitive advantage in the market. It showcases a commitment to embracing innovative technologies and meeting the evolving needs of tech-savvy consumers.

Efficient inventory management: By leveraging VTO data, retailers can gain insights into customer preferences and popular styles, allowing for more efficient inventory management. This, in turn, helps in optimizing stock levels and reducing the risk of overstocking or understocking.

Environmental impact: Virtual Try On s contribute to sustainability by potentially reducing the need for customers to travel to physical stores, thereby lowering the carbon footprint associated with transportation.

Increased sales and conversion rates: The ability to virtually try on products can boost customer confidence, leading to higher conversion rates and increased sales. When customers feel more certain about their purchase decisions, they are more likely to complete the transaction.

Innovative Brand Image: Implementing VTO technology showcases a brand’s commitment to innovation and customer-centric solutions. This creates a positive brand image and sets the business apart from competitors, attracting customers who value technological advancements and a modern shopping experience.

Cross-Selling Opportunities: VTO data can be leveraged to identify patterns in customer preferences and behaviour. Retailers can use this information to implement effective cross-selling strategies, suggesting complementary items that customers might not have considered, thereby increasing the overall purchase value.

Interactive Marketing Campaigns: Retailers can incorporate VTO features into their marketing campaigns, creating interactive and immersive experiences that capture the attention of potential customers. These campaigns can drive traffic to the online store and encourage conversions through the use of virtual try-ons.

The retail industry has been transformed by Virtual Try On (VTO), serving as a pivotal game changer. Empowering customers with the ability to virtually try out products before committing to a purchase has heightened their influence, granting them unprecedented ease and control in decision-making. Virtual Try On (VTO) is driving a fresh wave of evolution in the e-commerce sector. The ongoing digital transformation within this industry is facilitating companies in meeting the changing needs of their customers through a smooth and immersive experience. The future of e-commerce hinges on such technologies, and both brands and consumers are embracing it wholeheartedly.

Q. Virtual Try- On gives a realistic rendering of clothes, makeup, jewellery, accessories, furniture, drapes, home decor, appliances, etc. Comment.

Q. What impact does the Virtual Try-On technology have on the overall purchasing experience of the consumer?

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