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25 Nov 2023. In this age of entertainment overload, the audience recall power has weakened drastically. Most of the audience are not able to recollect the stories, or the characters from the movies they watch. They are bombarded with different formats of entertainment like movies, web series, short series, and so on. Barriers to entry […]

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Pricing in Marketing: Different Strategies and Models – Dr. S Shyam Prasad

25 Nov 2023. Introduction This blog is intended to discuss certain pricing concepts that are not taught in management classes to the marketing students. Hence, it is written is a manner that it could be understood without much technical knowledge. Most commonly, in management, one of the frequently taught pricing models is Capital Asset Pricing […]

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Unfolded Difference in Workplace – Dr. Sushyni Kothuri

25 Nov 2023. On World Mental Health Day, I happened to read a post in LinkedIn and it made me realize that there are many, who are facing the stress, trauma or depression due to work life.  There are many dysfunctional behaviours that we face at workplace. Sometimes the fear of losing the job, the […]

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The HR strategy and the Veblen effect – Sriram Prabhakar

25 Nov 2023. At the age of 23, Julius Caesar was a rising junior politician who possessed two significant advantages: brains and confidence! Pirates from Sicily took him prisoner as he was traveling across the Aegean Sea. They demanded 20 talents (an antique measure of heft; one roman talent is about equal to 100 pounds, […]

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Tale of Teachers in the Digital Age – Dr.Sushyni Kothuri

28 Oct 2023. It was March, 2020. Does the date matter?? Yes. The reason being we all lived through exceptional moments in time, maintaining social distance. It was the time when most educational institutes witnessed the switch from normal classroom setup to online classrooms. The sudden shift has pushed many teachers to give a trial-and-error […]

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