Explore - Experience - Excel


Business Plans by students for the NEN week.

The students of ISME, Bangalore, came up with various business plans, for the NEN week, which turned out to be the most interesting activity for the NEN week. After continuing of the business for a week, the students presented their business plans to Prof.Nitin Garg. A lot of enthusiasm was shown by the students, as […]

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NEN-Week SUKRUPA Guest Lecture at ISME, Bangalore

On 16th Feb 2012, as part of the NEN E-Week, there was a guest lecture by Ms Krupa Latha Das, Founder and executive of Director, SUKRUPA, an NGO located in Bangalore. She spoke about social entrepreneurship that is becoming a very popular career option for youth across the world. Krupa Latha has been a successful […]

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NEN E-Week, Entrepreneurship lecture by Sandeepan Mitra.

On 14th Feb. 2012 there was a talk by Mr Sandeepan Mitra, for the E-Week in ISME, Bangalore. He is currently, Director – Marketing at Just eat India Pvt. Ltd. He has co-founded an e-commerce company, one of its kind in South east Asia and in just 3 years time, sold it to a […]

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NEN Week-Panel Discussion

As a part of NEN E- Week, ISME Bangalore had a Panel Discussion on the 13th of February covering three important topics with a theme “Invent the Future”: 1) Israeli model of entrepreneurship.2) Need for ‘green’ entrepreneurs.3) Role of education system on entrepreneurship There were three teams, nine members in each group discussing about the […]

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NEN-Pledge at ISME, Bangalore.

On 11th Feb 2012, there was NEN pledge taking function in ISME Bangalore, where the day started with the lighting of the diya, by Professor Nitin Garg and the faculty. It was followed by a brief introduction of NEN, the biggest entrepreneurship network in India. The main focus was on, directing the students to a […]

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NEN-Entrepreneurship Week at ISME,Bangalore.

ISME is celebrating E-Week at its Bangalore Campus from 11th Feb to 18th Feb 2012, where eminent people from NEN i.e. National Entrepreneurship Network will be visiting and promoting the basic idea of entrepreneurship. They will share the views about entrepreneurial skills reflecting the clear picture of the theme ‘Invent the future’. The events planned […]

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Marketing Premier League-2

There was a sequel event to Marketing Premier League, held on the campus of ISME Bangalore, on 19th January 2012. Once again the marketing students came up with an exemplary show, presenting brand advertisements, for the products they had created. This time, the event was more focused on the viability and practicality of the projects […]

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Guest Lecture on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

A Cognitive Behavior Therapy session was held for the students of ISME Bangalore, on 20th January 2012. It was conducted by Dr.Shobha Mangoli, a consultant in the field of clinical psychology for 20 yrs. She is a master trainer in ‘Population Education and Adolescent Issues’. She is currently a consultant at Sukrut Human and Organisation […]

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Guest Lecture for Managerial Skills Development session

There was a Guest Lecture at ISME, Bangalore on the 11th of January 2012. The guest speaker Mr. Venu G. Somineni, was a young dynamic entrepreneur, inspirational public speaker,success coach,a mentor and an author. He runs a management consulting firm, TechIntellects located in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. Venu has inspired many individuals and […]

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Industrial Visit for HR students.

ISME, Bangalore arranged an industrial visit to VST Tillers Tractors Ltd. for HR students on 11th January 2012. It was a wonderful experience for the students to get the real and practical knowledge of HR in an organisation. Mr.B.G.Kodandaram, Deputy General Manager –HRM, had a personal interaction with the students about the labour force in […]

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