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Global Shapers Forum

Date: 13.10.12               Venue :  SAP Labs auditorium            Time : 9.30 am to 1.30 pm Global Shapers Forum which is a World Economic Forum had organized a panel discussion and Q & A session on 13.10.12.   The Panel Members were B K Birla founder of Zop […]

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Customer Misbehaviour – What is it and how is it handled?

S. Shyam Prasad Abstract Ethics in business has two sides to it – one, the firm’s side and the other customer’s side. But in practice, it has been taken for granted that it is the sole responsibility of the firms only to be ethical in all their activities. Have we ever wondered the role of […]

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Debate Competition

On 17th October, 2012, the literary club organized a debate competition. The topic for the debate was ‘Is lobbying a legitimate practice?’  A total of eight students participated in the competition. Four students namely Seepica, Phani, Kiran and Jay spoke for the motion and four students namely Shantanu, Staney, Geetha, Shruthi spoke against the motion. […]

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“Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.”

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“Power today comes from sharing information, not withholding it.”                                                               –Keith Ferrazzi, Never Eat Alone

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Restructuring of Loan Practices and its Implications for estimating NPA

Debt restructuring is the reorganization of borrower’s outstanding liabilities. It is generally a mechanism used by borrowers who are facing difficulties in repaying their debts. In the process of restructuring, the credit obligations are spread out over longer duration with smaller payments. This allows them flexibility to meet debt obligations. It is based on the […]

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Leadership : Integrating the two theories−Trait theories and Behavioural theories

Abstract: The focus of this article on Leadership is to examine the Trait theories and the Behavioural theories briefly, as separate quests, and to explore the possibility of integrating these two, seemingly disparate, theoretical approaches to ascertain whether an integrated model is available. The rationale for this effort is the changing aspirations of employees which […]

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Love’s “Libor”Lost – Use, Misuse & Abuse of Statistics

Abstract: This article examines the Libor ((London Interbank Offered Rate) scandal which rocked the global financial markets in July 2012. The scandal involved the manipulation of the LIBOR rates which adversely affected the multi-trillion dollar derivatives markets worldwide. The financial irregularities, the analysis of the problem, the impact on the markets and potential solutions are […]

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Why Customers buy what they buy – the six-factor syndrome

Abstract Marketing, to put it simply, is all about finding what customers need, creating a product to fulfill that need and doing all that is required to make the customers buy that product. If we look around, firms are continuously carrying on their marketing activities yet, customers, generally buy only when they choose to. The […]

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Alumni Day Celebration

  The ex-students of International School of Management Excellence gathered together to celebrate the Alumni Day on 7thOctober, 2012.  It was an opportunity for the past to coalesce for a while with the present. Interestingly, there were students from the first batch to the current batch. The event started with a welcome address and was followed […]

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