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How much do Attitudes Matter in Marketing? S. Shyam Prasad

Abstract Marketers, often talk about attitudes and attitude formation. Lots of research has gone into understanding attitude formation. Attitudes are more complex than they first appear. The effect of marketing activities in general and marketing communication in particular, depends on the attitude of the audience who are exposed to it. Target audience characteristics would determine […]

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Companies Act 2013 : A push for accountability Prof HS Mishra

Abstract The companies Act 2013 has been recently passed by both the houses of Parliament. Major changes have been incorporated in the act and once implemented will bring more accountability and transparency in Indian business houses. The article will try to cover the salient changes and how it is going to change the business scenario. […]

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Cyprus Financial Crisis – An Overview

Abstract The paper is an overview of the sovereign debt crisis in Cyprus. It also discusses the reason and options available for the Cyprus government to deal with the debt crisis. INTRODUCTION Government debt and reckless banking systems are some the major causes for financial crisis. Recent on the list is – Cyprus, the sovereign […]

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Child Labour: India

Prof HS Mishra Introduction India, the largest democracy in the world, paradoxically bears the scourge of having tens of millions of child labourers  living a life of bondage and slavery.  Use of children as labourers is rampant not only in the agriculture sector but also  in industries such as match box, leather, carpet, saree, stone […]

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World of Marketing Wars

S. Shyam Prasad Abstract In this article, attempt has been made to depict the ways the marketers compete with each other for a share of the pie – customers’ discretionary income. The competition is increasing in severity to the extent that the players drag each other to the court of law to settle dispute. Few […]

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Differential Treatment of Customers

Differential Treatment of Customers S. Shyam Prasad Abstract The purpose of business is to create customers and retain them. They are the ‘all-important’ to any business. If this is so, do businesses treat all customers as important and consequently equally?  The answer is simple ‘No’. This article focuses on the differential treatment of the customers. […]

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Book Review Steve Jobs – A Biography by Walter Isaacson

The voluminous (650 page) biography of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson tries to decipher one of the most enigmatic and creative persons of our time.  The book is written with full cooperation from Steve Jobs; however, he had no control over what was written in this in-depth and incisive book covering the professional and personal […]

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