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Sovereign AI: Pioneering Economic Prosperity and Security in the Digital Age – Prof. Indranil Dutta

28th June 2024 Introduction “Sovereign AI” is a concept gaining traction among technology vendors and government agencies. The idea of “Own Your Data, Own Your AI” could transform national governments into global innovation centers and AI leaders. This involves tailoring AI for individual countries, transitioning from broad, one-size-fits-all approaches to those that have a deep […]

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26th June 2024 The movement of people from one domicile to the other, either within the state/country or even across the borders, in search of better economic conditions and a more secure environment, is as old as human history. The orbit of movement may be from one state to the other or from one country […]

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Timeboxing (Maximizing your productivity) – Prof. Rashmi Jha

21st June 2024 What is Timeboxing? Timeboxing is a strategic time management technique that enhances productivity by allocating specific durations to tasks, activities, or projects. By imposing time constraints, it promotes focused work and efficient task prioritization within defined intervals. Unlike traditional approaches where tasks are tackled one at a time until completion, timeboxing emphasizes […]

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Emotional Intelligence: The Essential Skill of the future proofed workplace – Prof. Rashmi Jha

21st June 2024 Emotional Intelligence (EI) involves recognizing and managing both our own emotions and those of others. It’s crucial for navigating situations under pressure, such as giving feedback, meeting deadlines, handling difficult relationships, coping with limited resources, adapting to change, and overcoming setbacks and failures. EI helps us understand how emotions influence behavior and […]

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E-Commerce Chronicles: The Past, Present, and Future – Prof. Indranil Dutta

21st June 2024 E-commerce, a burgeoning industry worldwide, has revolutionized retail, encompassing both developed and developing nations. The global e-commerce market has surged beyond US$6 trillion, representing nearly 10% of total retail sales. This meteoric rise, however, is rooted in a complex history of technological advancements, consumer behavior shifts, and economic factors that have varied […]

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