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Cloudy with a chance of Cyclical Shocks

Kiran Kumar K V, Faculty-Finance & Analytics, ISME On a random day (to be precise 08-August-2019), I was browsing through Economic Times and found some news items interesting and attempting to convey something about the overall outlook on market. First, RBI cut the repo rates by 35 basis points, which came as an absolute surprise […]

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Sudindra V R The economic development of the Nation and sustainable livelihood is mainly dependent on the quality of education; especially higher education critically contribution appreciated immensely. Higher Education institutes assist the country to develop socially, culturally, scientifically, technologically, artistically and economically. In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, increasing the need for skills […]

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Queen bee Syndrome – A known Devil

By : Shurlly Tiwari- HR Faculty,ISME Yamini, a young, management graduate, pass out from one of the reputed management institute, is all geared up for her first day to office. She got an HR executive position in a MNC in Gurgaon. A young girl in her early 20s, with a lot of dreams in her […]

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Innovation without Disruption: Is it Possible?

S. Shyam Prasad PhD Introduction Yes, It is possible! It’s a long-held myth that innovation must be disruptive. I hope that after going through this article the myth would be cleared. The credit for the concept and data for this article are attributed to an article titled “Nondisruptive Creation: Rethinking Innovation and Growth” by W. […]

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Good to Have – New Age HR Skills

Dr. Anju KumarISME Introduction Change in technology, business challenges, market trends and disruption, these are the buzzwords we often hear. Historically the HR function has always dealt with people and in aligning with this, people skills are the most important skills for these professionals. Adding to these most valued skills, People in the HR profession […]

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Don’t mix strategic tasks with operational tasks

Anshu Sharma A lesson learnt It must’ve been early 2015 and I was a young manager leading a consulting engagement where we were trying to optimize cost to serve for a leading alcohol-beverage client. This is when I learnt one of my most memorable and useful lessons in management. A lesson which no b-school education […]

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Sudindra V R Security Exchange Board of India (SEBI), regulator of Indian security market issued a show-caused notice to some of the firms which are into security market broking and advisory services. The notice states the preferential access scandal and strategy building to enhance quick profit.  Regulator has further investigated into NSE co-location space, the […]

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