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See you in 10!! – Prof. Haritha S

Feb 14, 2022. Recently, I came across an ad of grocery delivery firm Zepto on YouTube, with which I was able to instantly connect. The ad focuses on a young couple who do not have stock of diapers and need to change the baby’s diaper immediately. An app named Zepto comes to their rescue and […]

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Generations – What, Why and How they are – Prof. S. Shyam Prasad

Feb 01, 2022. Introduction In the world of business, we speak about generations. I along with others is researching different behaviours of generations towards marketing efforts of firms. Instead of accepting the idea of generations as such, I decided to understand it in little more details. This write-up is about what generations are and why […]

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State of Fear – Prof.Sriram Prabhakar

19 Jan 2022. Over the last 2 to 3 decades, we have heard a lot of talk on “Global Warming” little realizing whether its actually true or not. Let’s look at the definition of Global Warming. Global Warming is defined as per the common convention as the heating up of the surface of the earth […]

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The GST Maze – Prof. Jacob Chandy

Jan 11, 2022. It is almost universally acknowledged both within the country and outside, that the Indian bureaucracy and government are among the most inefficient in the world and that they are one of the most important reasons why it is so difficult to do business in India. To be fair, this dubious image has […]

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