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Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Financial Services Sector – Dr. Nisha Mary Thomas

6th June 2024 Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made transformative changes across industries- automotive, pharmaceutical, retail, music, and many more. Its impact on financial services sector across the world is profound. AI has influenced various aspects of financial services sector, ranging from improving customer experience, strengthening risk mitigation mechanisms, better credit assessment techniques, devising new trading […]

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Raising interest rates in the U.S. and its impacts on the Commercial Real Estate market – Prof. Subanika Pradhan

3rd July 2024 What is Commercial Real Estate ? Commercial real estate refers to any property used for business activities. These properties are designed to generate income through leasing or operating a business Office Spaces, Retail Spaces , Industrial Properties, Health care Facilities, Hospitability Properties, Multi family Properties and Special Purpose Properties whereas Residential real […]

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Network Marketing Yesterday Today and Tomorrow – Prof. Subanika Pradhan

3rd July 2024 A network of distributors is essential to the growth of a business in network marketing, also known as multilevel marketing (MLM).  Most network marketing programs also ask participants to recruit other sales representatives. The recruits constitute a rep’s “down line,” and their sales generate income for those above them in the program. […]

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Financial Literacy: A Survival Guide! – Prof. Geeta Ashok

1st July 2024 “An investment in knowledge gives you the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin. It is reported that in India, only 27 percent of people are considered to be “financially literate.” This indicates that only one Indian in five can manage their financial circumstances. For a considerable amount of time now, the keyword in […]

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