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06 Oct,2022. Mr.X married an individual residing in a leased house with a spouse (housewife) and 1 toddler, who is engaged with a private company since 20 years with one of the reputed organizations. Due to some health concerns, he desired to take a break for a few months and was planning how he can […]

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A Prisoner’s Dilemma in Bangalore Traffic – Prof. Rajendra Desai

30 Sept, 2022. ‘Swalpa adjust maadi’ is an oft repeated phrase on Bangalore roads from peace seeking violators of traffic rules. My response to these violators is typically ‘****  ***’ as I steer my car to narrowly miss the violator or come to a complete halt to allow the violator through. In my commute to […]

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COVID Impact: The new phenomenon in retailing – Dr. S Shyam Prasad

24 Sep, 2022. Introduction For the unaccustomed, retailing means selling goods to the end customers rather than selling to businesses. Although the concept sounds simple, many have researched retailing, and several papers on the subject are available in the literature. Scholars have put forward many hypotheses to explain the evolution of retail business. To understand […]

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