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Industry 4.0 meets AR: Turning Data into a Live Experience – Prof S. Chithra

21st August 2024 Industry 4.0 refers to a revolutionary shift in manufacturing and production marked by the integration of cutting-edge digital technologies into industrial workflows. The Fourth Industrial Revolution uses innovations such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, big data analytics, cloud computing, to create more intelligent and efficient manufacturing. This […]

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Emerging Trends in Remote Work for 2024 – Prof. Rashmi Jha

7th July 2024 As we advance through 2024, the landscape of work is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by rapid technological advancements and shifting workforce expectations. The prominence of remote and hybrid work models continues to rise, largely facilitated by sophisticated digital collaboration tools and a broad shift towards more flexible work environments. These models […]

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Is Life an Exam?? – Prof. Shruthi Nanjappa

7th July 2024 How often have we heard motivational gurus telling us not to compare our life situation with others, because in the exam of life each of us has a different question paper? While scrolling Instagram recently, I came across the same advice and commented to my son that this was being repeated too […]

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