The ex-students of International School of Management Excellence gathered together to celebrate the Alumni Day on 7thOctober, 2012. It was an opportunity for the past to coalesce for a while with the present. Interestingly, there were students from the first batch to the current batch.
The event started with a welcome address and was followed by a panel discussion on corporate experience. The discussion was held by Prof. Krishnan involving six alumni who shared their corporate experience and also gave few tips and advises to the current batch. After the discussion, small mementos were given to the panelists. Then the other alumni also gave a brief formal introduction about themselves.
A few alumni were requested to have a look at the photographs captured by the participants judge the photography competition. It was a close competition but Rama Reddy managed to bag the first position.
There were series of cultural programs for the entertainment which included solo song, solo dance, group song and group dance.
After the cultural program all were asked to let themselves free and shake their legs on the dance floor. Once the dance began, everyone enjoyed so much that no one wanted to stop, not even for dinner. The alumni irrespective of the professional achievements or age, danced, sang and celebrated together like children. It was a delight to watch director sir and director maβam to let themselves loose.
The alumni were also seen clicking pictures with their friends and the faculty, connecting with each other, catching up on the good old times. Everyone mingled together and relived the fun days that they had spent in their Alma Mater. This alumni event will really be a memorable one where the alumni shared and interacted with their old batch as well as the current batch apart from reminiscing the golden years of their life spent here in ISME.
By: Mansi Parikh