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Achieving Financial Freedom: Your Path to Financial Independence – Prof. Subanika Pradhan

3rd July 2024

The idea of financial freedom has acquired a lot of popularity in a world where having financial security is essential to living a happy life. However, what does achieving financial freedom actually entail? How does one start the process of becoming financially independent? Let’s explore the methods and ideas that can lead to a financially secure and free future. Financial Freedom is a term that we often come across nowadays. Diverse individuals develop varying interpretations. Some say: It’s about buying what you want and when you want; having no debt; being able to support yourself, or simply being rich.
Well, these are just vague and half-baked answers. Though we often spend time discussing the topic and how we can achieve financial freedom, the truth is we are completely clueless about what it actually means. And, if we don’t have a clear idea about what our goal is, how can we ever reach there. In this blog, we discuss financial freedom and a step-by-step approach to how we can achieve it.

What Is Financial Freedom?
Being financially free is having enough money on hand to get by without actively working to meet fundamental needs. It entails being able to make decisions without being unduly influenced by financial limitations. This idea is arbitrary and changes according to personal circumstances and goals. For some, it might mean retiring early and pursuing hobbies, while for others, it could involve having the flexibility to work on passion projects or travel extensively.The Basis: Budgeting
A sound financial plan is the first step towards achieving financial freedom. This plan serves as your roadmap, guiding you through the stages of wealth accumulation, investment, and ultimately, financial independence. Consider the following important steps:

Setting Clear Goals: Define what financial freedom means to you. Is it retiring at a certain age, owning a home, or traveling the world? Establish specific, measurable goals that align with your vision.

Saving and Budgeting: Make good use of a budget to control your earnings and outlays. Allocate a portion of your income towards savings and investments consistently. Automate savings to ensure consistency.

Debt Management: Minimize high-interest debt and prioritize repayment. Being debt-free is crucial for financial freedom as it reduces financial obligations and frees up more resources for savings and investments.

Emergency Fund: Build an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. This fund acts as a safety net, preventing you from dipping into long-term investments during times of financial stress.

Investing Wisely: Create a diversified investment plan based on your financial objectives and risk tolerance. Investing in a variety of stocks, bonds, properties, and other assets can help you accumulate wealth over time.

Boost Income: Look into ways to increase your income through side gigs, investments, or rental properties, as well as strategies to grow in your work.

Frugal Living: Adopt a simple lifestyle and focus your expenditure on necessities rather than extravagance. Reduce wasteful spending and put money saved towards investments.

Lifelong Learning: Become knowledgeable about investment, asset management, and personal finance. Keep up with market developments and financial opportunities that may help you achieve your financial objectives.

Tax Optimization: Utilize tax-efficient investment vehicles such as retirement accounts  to minimize tax liabilities and maximize investment returns.

Long-Term Perspective: Refrain from making rash financial decisions based on transient market swings and instead adopt a long-term perspective on investing. In order to create lasting riches, consistency and patience are essential.

Techniques to Reach Financial Independence More Quickly
Although achieving financial freedom takes time and dedication, there are ways to speed up the process:

Pay off all debt
Debt is the largest obstacle to financial independence. Credit card debt that has interest rates ranging from 30 to 40 percent is the worst kind. Avoid using credit cards and pay off your current obligations utilising a debt repayment plan. Even before you begin investing, do this.
Furthermore, while it is true that some loans—such as home and school loans, which have specific tax advantages—are not terrible, having no debt is still preferable than having excellent debt. Pay as much as you can towards the debt whenever you receive a sizable chunk of money in one go, such as a bonus. You may design a budget around it.

Establish goal-based investment early on.
This is nothing new to you; you’ve heard it before. Invest as early as you can, even if it’s just a modest amount at first, and watch the miracle of compound interest work its magic. When establishing your monthly budget, once more using a goal-based approach assists you in figuring out how much money should go towards each investment. This can help you avoid needless financial strain and save a significant amount of money. Let’s use an example to better explain this. 22-year-old Amit works as a tech specialist by day, but photography is his true love. He wants to make good plans, change careers, and retire by the age of 45\

Get ready for life’s unexpected turns.
Unseen expenses are one factor that can throw off your goal of financial freedom. Therefore, the key is to be prepared. There are two actions to take.

Establish a contingency fund: This money is set aside for unforeseen or urgent costs. Let’s say you have already allocated funds for savings and have established your monthly budget. You should save up three to six months’ worth of spending as a contingency fund. This guarantees that in an emergency, you won’t have to withdraw from your investments.
Obtain health insurance: A medical emergency can postpone your aim of financial independence for years if you don’t have health insurance if the expenses of healthcare are rising. To guarantee that your assets are not

Overcoming Obstacles
There are obstacles on the path to financial freedom. Developments might be derailed by personal setbacks, unforeseen expenses, and economic downturns. Nonetheless, overcoming these challenges with perseverance and dedication to your financial strategy will help you get through them.

Honouring Significant Occasions
As you progress towards financial freedom, celebrate milestones along the way. Whether it’s achieving a certain savings target, paying off debt, or reaching investment milestones, acknowledge your achievements and use them as motivation to stay on track.

In summary
To sum up, attaining financial independence is a path that calls for meticulous preparation, methodical execution, and a dedication to long-term financial stability. By defining clear goals, adopting prudent financial habits, and embracing strategic investment opportunities, you can pave the way to a future where financial constraints no longer dictate your choices. Start today, empower yourself with knowledge, and take proactive steps towards securing your financial freedom for a more fulfilling and prosperous life ahead. Remember, the path to financial freedom begins with a single step towards a financially secure future. As we’ve already covered, developing sound money management practices in your daily routine will help you achieve financial freedom. Financial independence also means having the opportunity to pursue a second career, spend more time with your family, or just take a break for yourself. These are basic pleasures in life that money cannot purchase, but they come with a price if we are not ready financially.

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